UCL School of Management is delighted to welcome Professor Samir Nurmohamed, Wharton, to host a research seminar discussing ‘Ticking Clocks, Lingering Doubts: The Impact of Accepting an Offer Under Time Pressure on Employees in New Roles’.
Losing out on talent is costly to the success and reputation of organizations. As a result, many organizations apply time pressure when issuing job offers as a tactic to secure candidates. Yet existing theory and research on its consequences are unclear, especially once employees begin their role. Drawing on regret theory, we theorize that accepting an offer under time pressure results in employees experiencing greater rumination after they start their roles, resulting in them providing less favorable recommendations of their organizations to peers. To provide greater insights into the mediating role of rumination and ascertain which employees are impacted by accepting offers under time pressure, we examine the moderating role of employees’ uncertainty avoidance in shaping our hypotheses. Across three studies, we test our hypotheses, revealing what we label as a paradox of pressure in hiring: imposing time pressure when issuing job offers may enable organizations to secure talent today, but it may hinder future talent acquisition by damaging how organizations are seen among the very people they hire. Our work advances theory and research on time pressure, socialization, and organizational reputation.