Alan Parkinson

Alan is Director of Studies and Deputy Director (Education) and Professor of Financial Education in the School of Management. He is Chair of School Teaching Committee; Chair of School Examination Boards; Teaching Lead: Finance, Accounting and Economics; and is responsible as line manager for a number of staff colleagues. He is a qualified accountant x 2 (FCCA and ACMA/CGMA), with a Doctorate in Education (EdD), an MSc in Business, a Higher Education Teaching Certificate and an MA in Early Modern History. He has held Visiting Professor positions at several international universities. He specialises in Managerial Accounting, and Financial Management, and generic Accounting/Finance modules. He has played and continues to play a major role in the School’s on-line MSc in Professional Accountancy, and MSc Accounting and Financial Management, collaborations with the University of London, with a particular focus on international relationships. His is a Faculty Adviser at Harvard Medical School. His scholarship interests are accounting history, technology in education, and curriculum design/evaluation. He has extensive international training and consultancy expertise. He has published original and custom textbooks and scholarship papers, and presents regularly at international scholarship conferences. He has held a number of senior positions in other universities including Queen Mary, University of London, and the Open University Business School. History is a passion, travel is always welcome, Spurs (Tottenham Hotspur) is a emotional roller coaster way of life, and smiling is a particularly good hobby.