Kenan Arifoglu

Dr Kenan Arifoglu is an Associate Professor (Reader) in the UCL School of Management. Kenan received his PhD from the Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences (IEMS) department at Northwestern University (Evanston, IL, USA) in 2012. He also has MScs from the IEMS department at Northwestern University (2008) and the Industrial Engineering department at Koc University (Istanbul, Turkey, 2007). He got his BSc in industrial engineering from Koc University in 2005. Before joining UCL, he had a postdoctoral position in Ross Business School at University of Michigan (Ann Arbor, MI, USA).
Dr Arifoglu’s current research examines the behavioral motivations and incentives of people and firms, and identify the issues that they cause in healthcare, the retail/service industry, and entrepreneurial settings. His broad research interests lie in the areas of healthcare management, supply-chain management, pricing and revenue management, and entrepreneurial operations. His research articles have been published in several academic journals, such as Management Science, Marketing Science, Manufacturing and Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management Journal, European Journal of Operational Research, and International Journal of Production Economics.
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