Peter Clark

DBA Henley, MBA Cox, Beta Gama Sigma business academic honour society. 20+ years management consultant (four times outstanding consultant) with top international consulting organisations prior to entering academia. Wordwide leading author and commentator in merger and IPO-related finance field with four related prior books or chapters in books (“Cross-border M&A Integration” in Prentice-Hall’s Mergers & Acquisitions Handbook (88), Beyond the Deal (91), Net Value (00), Masterminding the Deal (“MTD” 13), with two new projects in development. MTD, co-authored with Professor Dr Roger W Mills, has been one of the most widely cited and referenced new general management books in the finance field since its publication in 2013, including but not limited to multiple mentions in Economist and Financial Times. Dr Clark is considered as the originator of modern merger valuation (M&A success or failure) diagnosis, his MScore disgnostic system for grading mergers’ probabilities of success is believed to be the only tool of its type. “Literature Review of Company Valuation Methods” from his doctoral thesis Time is Value is today used in several universities’ finance courses, including at UCL SoM, at both undergraduate and graduate levels. Advisor to bankers, acquiring and selling firms on merger strategy, pricing and approach. Frequent international business media coverage and expert commentary: Economist, Financial Times, Institutional Investor, The Wall Street Journal, Seeking Alpha, Quartz, TheStreet, business television (several), Reuters Breakingviews, FEI Journal. Recipient of Financial Executives Institute (FEI) award in corporate finance, former corporate financial officer. Have received outstanding instructor award at both undergraduate and graduate levels at UCL School of Management. Raised in Boston, Massachusetts area. Interests include cross-country skiing, writing finance-related general management books, hockey. Twitter: @pondbridge. LinkedIn (occassionally updated short blogs on leading finance-related topics), Access following name: Peter J. Clark.