UCL School of Management

Research project

Managing the product innovation and sales process


Companies increasingly rely on new product innovation for sustained success. Considering recent trends in computer-mediated communication (e.g., the Internet, social media) and new forms of innovation (e.g., crowdsourcing) which have made interaction between customers and firms, customers and customers, and firms and firms much easier and cheaper, we investigate the role of customers, learning, and competition in product innovation and sales performance.  


 As organizations increasingly interact with their customers and competitors in developing and introducing new products, their competitive advantage lies in better understanding and optimizing their development and sales efforts. This project aims to help companies in improving the process of product innovation and introduction. 

Selected publications

Selcuk, C., & Gokpinar, B. (n.d.). Selling with a Fixed Price and Best Offer: The Role of Competition. Presented at: MSOM 2013 Conference.
Cornelius, P., & Gokpinar, B. (2017). The Role of Customer Investor Involvement in Crowdfunding Success (Working paper). Management Science (4th round revision).
Huang, Y., Yoo, O. S., & Gokpinar, B. (2017). Time Allocation in Entrepreneurial Selling: Impact of Consumer Peer Learning and Incumbent Reaction. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. doi:10.1109/TEM.2017.2733227
Huang, Y., Yoo, O. S., & Gokpinar, B. (2018). Time Allocation in Entrepreneurial Selling: Impact of Consumer Peer Learning and Incumbent Reaction. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 65 (4), 590-603. doi:10.1109/tem.2017.2733227

Link to the publication’s UCL Discovery page

Last updated Wednesday, 6 August 2014


Research groups

Operations & Technology

Research areas

Operations management

Research topics

Entrepreneurship; Innovation; Management of innovation; Marketing science; Marketing/operations interface